Thursday, December 11, 2014

Its very important to get involved with your child’s education...

I think parents and grandparents should be deeply involved with their kids’ schooling. I do not, however, recommend any particular style of education. I believe such choices are up to individual parents who know their own children.

Whether you home-school, send your kids to public school, or utilize a private school, you should expect your children to meet high standards. Over the years, a litigious, politically correct attitude has diminished the U.S. educational system. Parents share the responsibility for that decline with administrators, legislators, and school boards. Too many have succumbed to the nonsense that life should be full of pleasure. Also, misguided compassion makes people try to “level the playing field” or “build self-esteem” by eliminating challenges and conflict.

While I believe our public school system is crippled, let me pause here to unequivocally declare that I think that Utah’s school system does more for less money per pupil than any other department of education in the country. on the whole, graduate from high school better equipped for post-secondary education than a significant proportion of their peers in other states. However, just because there are places a lot worse, doesn’t mean we don’t need to improve.

On one hand, we hold NFL playoff parties and scream ourselves silly over “our” team. On the other, we worry about the self-esteem of those who lose a soccer game. A reality of life is somebody wins and somebody loses. However, losing does not have to be a bad or negative experience. In fact, learning that we as human beings make mistakes and that everyone has different talents is essential to becoming a functional member of society. For those who worry that children cannot handle learning these things, children who feel loved and valued, unconditionally, have resilience — the ability to bounce back from mistakes or difficulties. Let’s face it, life is full of mistakes and difficulties; that’s the whole purpose of being here on earth.
Help your child build resilience and self-confidence this school year by involving yourself in his or her education. Arrange your work schedule to volunteer in the classroom. Don’t let a day go by without talking about what happened in school. Teaching a life-long love of learning can be one of the most important things you impart to your child. At the same time, teach regard and respect for others. Attend Back-to-School nights, set aside regular study times at home, and, in every way, demonstrate your commitment to education. Children emulate those they admire.

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