Thursday, December 11, 2014

Online Class cons.

1.       Online classes are often less expensive and students have options of paying more to be in an interactive classroom or paying less to do homework at home.

2.        This gives the students an ability to have the information on the fingertips.

3.       Teachers no longer have to reserve the library or the computer labs just so students can do research on a particular topic.

4.       Students are able to learn more throughout the year because they are spending a single class period on an item instead of week to do the research and the discussion.

5.       The worldwide interaction students are able to achieve online is significant.

6.       Students are able to talk to people from other cultures and broaden their perspectives after having conversations with others who may see things differently.

7.       Students don’t have to have physical textbooks on their desks anymore since many books are available as e-books, aka digital text.

8.       With virtual school becoming increasingly popular,  students  need to be prepared  for an online education.

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